Deva Resin Services Ltd. is committed to developing our operations in a sustainable manner and has a holistic approach to installing environmentally friendly flooring materials. This means that rather than just focussing on environmental issues, all decision making considers the environmental, social and economic impact of our flooring systems in order to improve our Company's contribution to addressing the important issues our society faces today.
The Deva Resin package for the education sector has been designed to deliver the lowest possible environmental impact. Furthermore, our environmentally pro-active flooring systems are geared up to assist architects and specifiers qualify for Green Building Credits through initiatives such as Breeam and LEED.
Our specialist flooring products are low in VOC's (volatile organic compounds) and in the majority of cases solvent-free. Where possible, our materials are supplied in bulk using reusable UN Certified IBC’s (intermediate bulk containers), which eliminate the generation of waste packaging and reduce transport cost and fuel consumption.
This means, our Deva Resin team on site installing environmentally pro-active flooring materials manufactured by one reputable supplier, delivered to site in recyclable bulk containers from one transport source - reducing energy consumption, fuel consumption, generated waste, quantity of packaging, construction programs and ultimately client cost.
We recognise that adopting a sustainable approach across all of our operations throughout the world is the only way that we can truly improve our Company's contribution to a sustainable world. By doing so, Deva’s contribution to environmental protection, social advancement and economic prosperity will be significant and tangible.